Your Legacy Is The Life You Save

The media, celebrities, and abortion-rights activists encourage women to “shout your abortion” because, according to them, “abortion is normal.” Yet, we see the peace a woman finds when she realizes she’s not alone or she has options. We hear about her joy when she sees her baby on an ultrasound for the first time.

Your generous donations are turning the tide. Abortion is not normal and you’re helping us shout the truth.

Why Donate

Every person who comes to one of our centers is touched amazingly. We're saving lives, changing hearts, and showing love. We couldn't do it without the generous donation of your time, talent, and treasure.

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How to Donate

There are many different ways to give and all donations are tax-deductible. Whether it's a one-time donation or a monthly commitment, we welcome your gifts. Your support gives us strength.

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Donation Uses

Your dollars serve the women in our communities. We provide all of our services at no cost because we believe every woman deserves access to the truth. Women, as well as families, get the support they need.

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Donate and make a difference

There are so many wonderful ministries worth supporting and fewer and fewer dollars to spread around. We don’t take it lightly that you choose to give to this ministry. Whether you donate financial gifts, material items, your time to volunteer, or your time to pray, you are making a difference. Thank you.

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